Systems for Industrial Waste Waters

Esmil have over forty years experience in providing effluent treatment solutions for industry’s most challenging waste waters. Esmil can design, engineer and supply waste water treatment systems which meet our clients most exacting requirements. Esmil provide systems for classical waste water treatment (WWT) wherein contaminants are removed or eliminated from a process stream, valuable products are recovered and concentrated from a process stream or a waste water stream is reduced in volume to minimise environmental impact costs.

Esmil utilise membrane based technologies to effect these aims wherever possible since:

– Membrane technologies are “green” in comparison to other separation & concentration technologies assisting industry in reducing their carbon footprint
– Membrane systems do not use stream phase transformation to achieve treatment objectives and are thus significantly more energy efficient than traditional technologies. Membrane separation does not affect the nature or chemistry of the process stream being treated which is vital in the treatment of foodstuffs.
-Membrane systems have a smaller footprint per m3 waste treated than other technologies, and are modular in nature which allows easy “bolt-on” additions to existing plant.

Esmil have extensive in-house analysis capabilities located at the offices in High Wycombe which allows for detailed process analysis, solutions testing and design parameter confirmation.

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